Saturday, April 12, 2008

but what about book making?

or, how did you learn what materials to get in the first place? like, yer basic 'how to make a book' type thing? want to resist urge to take a class and try teaching myself how....


manjula martin said...

without a class... hm. maybe start here?

sara wintz said...

OMG this is AMAZING thank you!

seems like so many different new-new ways to make books, a kind of a juxtaposition that a website on book-making makes, but something about the older forms that just attracts... then also the different uses from book type _a_ to book type (b) and then [whether books could really ever stop being made at all??? could there ever possibly be an end to book making??] can't even consider it possible...

manjula martin said...

the book will never die. i really do believe this.

of course, that also depends on your definition of "book"....